Friday, October 28, 2016

[Shop2u] Good Health Imaglow 60 tablets / marine collgen helps healthy skin

Good Health Imaglow 60tablets

Imaglow™ Advanced collagen formula is an exclusive skin nutrition formula that works from within to support smooth,
youthful looking skin and help reduce the appearance of pigmentation, spots, dryness, lines and wrinkles.
Imaglow™ provides a high level of collagen, along with bio-active extracts and nutrients to support skin renewal and regeneration.
The combination of these key ingredients help support  the maintenance of skin elasticity, firmness and
resilience by supporting collagen and elastin production, protecting against free radical damage and aiding moisture retention.


● Healthy skin
● Healthy hair and nails
● anti aging
Supports healthy circulation
● Joint health

Benefits of Collagen for Skin

While collagen is beneficial to the entire body, it is most noticeably beneficial to the skin. This is because as a person ages, the epidermic (outer layer of skin) thins and loses elasticity in a process known as elastosis. As this happens, a person tends to show more signs of aging and acquire more wrinkles.
The good news is that these changes do not seem to be permanent or irreversible. In fact, a double-blind placebo study conducted last year found that women who took collagen hydrolysate (the peptide form) regularly for 8 weeks saw a 20% reduction in wrinkles! (3)
Even more exciting:
Additionally, after 8 weeks of intake a statistically significantly higher content of procollagen type I (65%) and elastin (18%) in the BCP-treated volunteers compared to the placebo-treated patients was detected.
This means that supplemental collagen appears to help the body’s own production process improve, as procollagen is the precursor to collagen in the body.
This study also showed that collagen consumption can increase skin elasticity and moisture, which also declines during the aging process.
It is important to note that this study used the hydrolyzed (peptide) form (the blue lid), which is a more easily digestible form of collagen. I’m not aware of any studies that directly compare gelatin and collagen for their ability to improve skin, so for skin health, I use the peptide form.

Other Benefits

Though not as immediately noticeable, there are other benefits that might be even more important. For instance, collagen has been studied for its role in:
  • Bone and Joint Health– Collagen may be beneficial to bones and joints in the same way it benefits the skin. By helping the body’s natural production of collagen and providing a bioavailable source of these amino acids, collagen may improve bone and joint health over time. In fact, a double-blind, placebo study showed significant improvement in joint pain.
  • Hormone Balance- Emerging research shows that the specific amino acids in collagen may help improve the amino acid balance in the body and support the body’s natural hormone production.
  • Digestion– As mentioned, gelatin and collagen may help coat the digestive tract and improve digestion, and the consumption of gelatin is often recommended on gut-specific diets like GAPS and SCD.

Getting Collagen Into Your Lifebone broth

Our ancestors chowed down on quite a bit of collagen as a natural way of life, since earlier traditional diets incorporated whole-animal eating. Simply put, they ate many animal parts, like skin, tendons and ligaments, that we reject today.

Luckily, you can get back to the basics. One of my favorite ways to increase collagen consumption is by making a bone broth, such as a chicken bone broth. It’s a healthy, delicious and cost-effective way to use parts of an animal that can’t be eaten directly — no waste here.

It’s also insanely good for you. As these inedible animal parts simmer for hours or days, they release collagen in an easy-to-absorb broth.

Collagen supplements, like collagen protein powder, are another easy way to increase your collagen intake. Make sure that you get your powder from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows (with no antibiotics or chemicals). Collagen supplements can be mixed into smoothies, soups or even into baked goods to provide collagen’s healthy benefits without adding any taste to your favorite meals.

>> Click to the shop in New Zealand

Thursday, October 20, 2016

[SHOP2U] Manuka Health Bee Pollen Granules / New Zealand Bee Pollen

Manuka Health Bee Pollen Granules

Bee Pollen is nature's richest and most complete source of essential vitamins, minerals, amino-acids and enzymes.
It is also abundant with minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, has high iron and zinc levels and very high levels of folic acid.

Bee Pollen has significant antioxidant effects and high levels of vitamins A, C and E.
Research in France and Germany has shown that Bee Pollen displays an antibiotic activity 
which can help slow the effects of ageing and lessen darkening, wrinkles and blemishes on skin.

It has been shown to increase physical and mental abilities, particularly concentration and memory, and can reactivate a sluggish metabolism.
Bee Pollen enhance athletic performance and maintains prostate health.

Manuka Health's Bee Pollen Granules contain nearly all nutrients required by humans. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be consumed directly by the body.
Manuka Health's Bee Pollen Capsules is nature's richest and most complete source of essential vitamins, minerals, amino-acids and enzymes. It is also abundant with minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, has high iron and zinc levels and very high levels of folic acid.
Pollen is produced by flowers and trees and is collected by honey bees for use as their source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Manuka Health dries the Bee Pollen to ensure all the goodness and nutrients are preserved.
Bee Pollen has significant anti-oxidant effects and high levels of vitamins A, C, and E.
Research in France and Germany has shown the Bee Pollen contains potent antibiotics that can help slow the effects of ageing on skin, and can correct darkening, wrinkles and blemishes. It can also increase physical and mental abilities, particularly concentration and memory, and can re-activate sluggish metabolisms.
Bee Pollen can prevent nutrient deficiency and can help you return to health more quickly following an illness.

As a natural source of sustained energy, Bee Pollen has been proven to:
* Enhance athletic performance
* Reduce hay fever symptoms
* Reduce inflammation and discomfort in prostate conditions

Benefit of Bee Pollen

1. Good for immune system
2. Helps digestive system
3. Healthy respiratory system
4. Good for skin
5. can help an ulcer
6. Good for anemia
7. Good for men
8. healthy kidney

Bee Pollen 500mg per capsule. Encapsulating aids.
Av. Quantity per 8 Caps Av. Quantity per 100grams
Energy(kj) 41 1032
Protein(g) 1.1 27
Fat total(g) 0.3 6.5
Saturated(g) 0.2 5.5
Carbohydrates total(g) 1.1 27
Sugars(g) 1.0 25
Sodium(mg)(mmol) 0 0
Recommended Dosage:
As an all natural dietary supplement for premium nutritional benefit,
take a daily dose of 2-4 teaspoons with food.

Safety Information:
If you are allergic to be pollen, please get advice from professional.